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Certificates & Manuals

Metaltis works with strictly selected partners only. For the manufacture of our webbing, we count on our certified partner Tiscotex, a leader in weaving, dyeing, and the confection of webbing.



TÜV certificate for tie-down straps. TÜV is responsible for the certification of Metaltis tie-down straps. An annual TÜV audit checks the quality of our testing, business production processes, and more. 
TÜV is a service provider specialized in the independent assessment of consumer and business markets. "TÜV Geprüft" is undeniably a seal of quality for technical testing and may only be awarded by TÜV itself. Download the TUV-GS certificate in pdf format.


VGS certificate for webbing slings and round slings. VGS is a conformity mark awarded by Vinçotte for the use of lifting straps and round slings. The certification includes a quarterly inspection of samples. Metaltis lifting straps and round slings are always CE marked and accompanied by an EC declaration of conformity. Visit the Vinçotte website. Download VGS VINCOTTE certificate in pdf format.

ISO 9001

ISO 9001 is the international standard for quality management systems. According to this standard:
- the quality policy must be documented,
- the quality policy must be known to all employees,
- the organization must increase customer satisfaction by meeting their requirements,
- the organization must meet the legal requirements applicable to the organization's products and services,
- the organization must control the business processes and can demonstrate this.

In a nutshell: ISO means saying what you are doing, doing what you saying, and proving it. Visit the ISO website. Download the ISO 9001 certificate in pdf-format.

User manuals

User Manual for tie-downs and ratchets

Download here the instructions for the correct use of tie-downs and ratchets.

User Manual for lifting slings

Download here the instructions for the use of lifting slings.